Tuesday 15 March 2011

What role does Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 have in the 'cost of free'?

Web 2.0:
- Web 2.0 uses cookies to monitor our activities.
- Associates with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing.
- There are adverts on youtube before the video starts.

Web 3.0:
- Web 3.0 can advertise what a person wants based on their previous activity, therefore, web 3.0 is more intelligent and making progress from web 2.0.
- Learns about a personals individual needs, it understands us and our desires and links us with the product or information we want.
- It makes things easier with no extra charge.
- Genius on iTunes knows what music individuals like by filing what they listen to/download.
- Categorizes people by comparing and suggesting products other 'similar' people have bought.

Theorists -
Jaron Lanier - Virtual reality pioneer.
Charles Leadbeater.

Are we losing our individuality on the web?
Is the web making people conform?

Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Virtual Revolution

Who invented the web and when?
Tim Berners-Lee, 1991.

What percentage of the world is using the web?
2 Billion people, 25%.

How many people log on to the web each day in Britain?
35 Million.

What is meant by 'The Great Levelling'?
Equal access, Equality, Empowering tool.

Where were the original ideologies for the web based?
San Francisco, 1960s.

What are the counter culture/hippie values embodied in the ideas of the web?
Individual free will, Libiterialism.

What was the first 'web community' called?
The Well - 1985, San Francisco.

When was email born?

When did the first website go online?
August 6th, 1991.

What was the web originally designed for?
To connect information from different computers.

According to the documentary, how did the creator of the web create 'social and cultural innovation'?
Connect people, resist authority, gave it away for free.

What role did Bill Gates have in the virtual revolution?
He put software on whole PCs, He got paid for software, He pre-installed software on computers.

What share of the market did Microsoft own in the early 90's?
More than 90%.

What effect and influence did Shawn Fanning have on the music industry?
Napster, Share music illegally for free, damaged music industry economy.

According to the record industry how much music is downloaded illegally?

What is the estimated loss in revenue from the illegal sharing of film, TV and music?
£531 million.

Approximately how much of the webs content is made by amateurs?

Who was the creator of youtube and when was the first video posted online?
Chad Hurley, 2005.

Who is Arianna Huffington and what is her impact upon the web?
'The Huffington Post', Combines old and new media. Re-establishing hierarchy.

How many blogs created since 1992 are now dormant?
Over 90% of 130 million.

The Social Network

What themes and issues were dealt with in the film?
Copyright, Fraud, Infringement, Relationships, Legal Disputes, Revolution in communication.

How does the film reflect some of the ideas we have encountered in this unit so far?

What is meant by the great levelling?
Equal access for everyone, equal use, equal opportunity.

What where the original ideologies of the web?
For everyone to be able to use it.

To what extent are we the beneficiaries or victims of change?

How has the virtual revolution changed our world?
We have drawn back from social interaction and now virtually interact with friends. People have more time on their hands because of online shopping and emailing etc.

Who is credited with defining 'The Long Tail' theory?
Chris Anderson.

Can you give an example of how his has effected the music/newspaper/radio industry?