Tuesday 5 April 2011

Media Revolution (BBC 2)

1. How many readers have the dailies lost over the past 10 years?
- 2.25 million.

2. How many readers has the Mirror lost?
- 750,000.

3. How many readers has The Sun lost?
- 400,000.

4. How many readers have the Sunday papers lost?
- 500,000.

5. What effect has advertising has on the newspapers?
- Advertising has declined.

6. What percentage of revenue comes from advertising for local papers?
- 75%. (Revenue is down by 20%)

7. How did Rupert Murdoch revolutionize newspaper production in the mid 80's?
- He moved his papers out of Fleet Street to Wopping with new computerized technology.

8. Which is the only newspaper not to have lost readers over the last year?
- The Sun - Britain.

9. How has this newspaper increased their circulation?
- Cut the price.

10. What have newspapers done to counteract the loss in revenue from advertising?
- Increased the price.
- Include Freebies - EG. Books, CDs, DVDs.

11. What did McFly do which brings together the newspaper and the music industry?
- Gave their new album away as a freebie in the paper.

12. What impact have the 'free' newspapers had on the industry?
- Been said to 'dumb' down content. 55% is News, 44% is Advertisements. "Full of junk"?

13. What impact has the web had on newspaper readers - especially the younger audience?
- Young people want immediacy.
- Want up-to-date news straight away.

14. How has The Telegraph embraced the digital world?
- Moved into new 'high-tech' offices.
- Creating Competition. Figures of articles being read are projected on walls in offices.

15. What effect has online access and globalization had on the industry and readership?
- Distribution - More Widespread.

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